
Unexpected Blessings

Moving away and living with 35 other girls that you've barely met before, in a country you've never been, with money that has suddenly lost half it's value... can be really hard! I remember the week before I left I started to get really nervous as I realized all of these changes that were about to happen. I'm not someone who likes change much... so it really scared me. But I can't BELIEVE how blessed I've been in this first week. I've tried so hard to rely on the Lord and let him help me to see the good experiences everywhere. Tonight, I feel like I was very unexpectedly blessed with one of those good experiences. And it has very little to do with London's great adventures and excitement. 
I decided to stay in and do homework tonight because almost everyone else went out to see shows that I wasn't very interested in seeing. So I went into the Library and started reading. Another girl sat down at the table next to me and I read as she emailed her parents. Long story short.. I noticed she wasn't doing too hot. I offered some very small words of comfort and then thought it best to leave her alone. Suddenly I thought, "Kaylee! You've been asking to have good experiences here in London where you can grow and learn.. well here ya go! Why are you being such a scardy cat about it?!" So I did something I normally don't do and I put down my book and sincerely tried to comfort this girl. We just talked and she shared with me all of her worries. Ironically, everything she was so stressed about were things at the bottom of my mind, too. We were really able to relate and help each other. When our conversation ended we both felt a lot better about things and how we were going to make the most of this amazing experience we have. 
So I guess this post is pretty boring as far as London goes. When I decided to stay in tonight I worried that I was giving up a good experience that I could be having "out in London".. but now that the night is over, I know that this is exactly where I needed to be! This experience has been one of the most life-changing and moving experiences I've had yet! I was able to both receive an answer to my prayers and be guided to help answer another's.
As far as my travels go, we're leaving on an all day field trip tomorrow to visit Stonehenge, Bath, and Chawton. I'm SOO excited! Now that classes have begun and things have settled in, I can start to REALLY learn about this AMAZING CITY!!
 I. Will. Rock. You.
 Picture perfect neighborhood makes for a nearly perfect picture!
 For some reason I find it hilarious that they use the word Toilet instead of Restroom. There will be huge signs hanging at the malls that say "TOILETS". I laugh every time. 
Isn't this the cutest thing ever? This is how all the little neighborhoods in London are! I could do nothing but walk around the cute streets all day and be completely content. 


  1. That was a good post Kaylee, I'm glad you're keeping things in perspective. Have a great time at Stonehenge.

  2. oh kay joy, Your blog is so fabulous. What a great way to keep a hilarious journal with pictures. I miss you and I am SO GLAD that you are having such a great experience. I hope each day just gets better and better.
    It is still unreal to me that you are doing all these things.

  3. hm...kay joy, dont give mom credit, for some reason it is logged in as mom. But know your loving sister is the genius behind these awe inspiring messages.

  4. killy. You are incredible. I am so happy you are having this incredible experience! I LOVE YOU!
