
Bananas, Headrests, and Orange Juice

 My last few moments with Am-B. At four in the morning, so we're definitely lookin our best. Saying goodbye would've been a lot harder if I would've been awake enough to think straight!
 18 hours later... sitting on the tube in London. Heading for the BYU London Center!
This smile is deceiving. The trip from the airport to the center was a grueling workout! Hiking up stairs with two suitcases and a heavy backpack? No thanks. 

So, I'm moved in. Didn't take too long considering the small amount of clothing I was allowed to bring, but I'm moved in nonetheless. And wow have the last 18 hours been an adventure! The plane ride from Las Vegas to Chicago actually went by way fast. They showed a movie and gave me orange juice. I've decided I love orange juice p.s. Once we landed in Chicago I was at a complete loss as to what to do. I ended up spending my 5 hour layover taking small naps in different places and eating bananas. Yes, I bought 2 bananas. Everything else was like $100 per bite. After my second nap I met a family from London. They were SUPER nice and said that they lived just 2 miles from where I was staying. Monica gave me her number and said my friends and I could call her if we ever had questions about the area. Nice, huh? THEN there was another lady behind us who overheard and started telling me about how she lived in a ward outside of London. WARD?!? Yep. There was an LDS family from London sitting right behind me! I chatted with them for a bit and it made me way less nervous. When the time came to board the plane, I'd found a group of about 5 other students who were also coming to Study Abroad. We endured the long flight... 8 hours I believe... but only because of the bendable headrests. Seriously. I think I'd be dead right now if it weren't for those things. I wanted to stand up and tell everyone who wasn't using them that life could be so much better if they'd just bend their headrests!! Oh and they fed us pretzels and pasta and salad and then blueberry yogurt later for breakfast. And more Orange Juice:) All in all... it went way faster than I was expecting. When the plane started descending and I could see London, I kept trying to convince myself I needed to be excited. "Kaylee... You're in London right now." I'm not even joking I've probably repeated that line to myself 100 times in the last two hours. Got off the plane, went through customs, claimed my luggage, navigated the tube (Which was NOT easy! I had a heavy backpack and 2 suitcases that I had to lug up many staircases, many blocks, and many terminals!) walked 3 blocks down the streets of London, saw a double decker bus, unpacked all of my belongings... and still it hasn't hit me. But one of these times it will. I'll be in the middle of my "You're in London right now" speech and then maybe I'll break into tears of overwhelmsion.  But whether the moment comes or not, I'm gonna be living it up in London all the same.


  1. SOOON! i'm so glad you are there!!!! i love you and miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna hear more!

  2. If I were not a Mormon, I would be of the religion of the bendable headrests!! They saved my life on my last overseas flight.
    Too excited for you to miss you yet. It will come - it just hasn't happened yet.
    Don't worry, you're not missing anything here: we had cereal for dinner last night :)

  3. I can't believe you're there!!!!!! And I didn't even get to say goodbye! Oh girlfriend you are going to have SO much fun---!

  4. were your calves KILLING?? Holy Killy I woke up yesterday and couldn't even walk. I am sorry you had to walk up those stairs after that killer calf work out! I'm so excited for you Kay joy!! You ARE IN LONDON!! I am so glad you are blogging about it. I am following this blog faithfully!

  5. All I'm saying is I haven't seen any seats with bendable headrests, just ones with bendable upper back rests. Doesn't quite have the same effect.

  6. MY KAY JOY!!! OH how I love you and miss you! life here is dull and pointless without you ;)I really am just so excited for you! I think I will eat a banana in your name. You are so funny and I like reading this! Keep writing on your blog because I have nothing to do now that I am done with surgery. I will be a faithful follower like H-P :) MY love for you is bigger than big ben!

  7. Hench YES!! It was the worst ever. Memo to self: Never do an intense leg workout the day before you move to London. I miss you all VERY MUCH!! But... I'm still not wishing I was home just yet:)
